Types of Wiki Documentation Tools

 Azure DevOps Wiki uses Markdown for formatting and is closely aligned with Git-based workflows, making its structure and content management somewhat similar to several other systems. If you're looking for a wiki system that is functionally and structurally closest to Azure DevOps Wiki, consider the following:

### 1. **GitHub Wiki**

**Overview:** GitHub Wikis are also based on Git and use Markdown for formatting. They are integrated with GitHub repositories and provide a similar experience in terms of version control and collaborative editing.

**Why It’s Similar:**

- Uses Git for version control.

- Markdown-based content formatting.

- Provides a web-based interface for managing and editing wiki pages.

**Transition Tips:**

- You can clone the GitHub Wiki repository in a manner similar to Azure DevOps Wiki.

- Markdown formatting is directly compatible.

### 2. **GitLab Wiki**

**Overview:** GitLab Wiki is another Git-based wiki system that uses Markdown for formatting. It's integrated with GitLab repositories and offers a similar collaborative editing experience.

**Why It’s Similar:**

- Uses Git for version control.

- Markdown formatting is supported.

- Provides similar features for managing and editing wiki pages.

**Transition Tips:**

- Clone the GitLab Wiki repository using Git.

- Convert or adjust formatting as needed if there are any differences in Markdown variants.

### 3. **DokuWiki**

**Overview:** DokuWiki is a popular open-source wiki that is designed to be simple and user-friendly. While it doesn’t use Git for version control by default, it supports various plugins for Git integration.

**Why It’s Similar:**

- Supports extensive content formatting and customization.

- There are plugins and tools to integrate DokuWiki with Git repositories.

**Transition Tips:**

- You may need to use a converter to change Markdown to DokuWiki’s syntax.

- Consider using a Git plugin if you want to integrate DokuWiki with Git repositories.

### 4. **Confluence**

**Overview:** Confluence is a commercial wiki platform by Atlassian that supports rich content management and collaboration. It offers robust features and integrations similar to those found in Azure DevOps Wiki.

**Why It’s Similar:**

- Supports complex content and collaboration features.

- Rich text formatting options and integrations.

**Transition Tips:**

- Confluence does not use Git but offers import/export tools for various formats.

- You might need to manually adjust content or use third-party tools for migration.

### **Summary**

For the closest experience to Azure DevOps Wiki in terms of Git-based version control and Markdown formatting, **GitHub Wiki** and **GitLab Wiki** are the most similar. They both leverage Git repositories and Markdown, making them straightforward choices if you want minimal conversion work.

If you're open to additional adjustments or integrations, **DokuWiki** and **Confluence** are also strong options, though they might require some adaptation of content formatting and workflow integration.