Material that helps reject heat and it’s cost

The Space Shuttle was covered with specially designed thermal protection materials to dissipate heat when it re-entered Earth's atmosphere. The main materials used were:

1. **Reinforced Carbon-Carbon (RCC)**: This material was used on the nose cone and the leading edges of the wings, where temperatures could reach up to 1,650°C (3,000°F). RCC can withstand extremely high temperatures without melting or warping.

2. **Thermal Protection Tiles**: The majority of the Shuttle’s surface was covered with ceramic tiles made from silica fibers, which were designed to insulate the shuttle from the heat of re-entry. These tiles were of two main types:

  - **HRSI (High-Temperature Reusable Surface Insulation)**: These black tiles could withstand temperatures of up to 1,260°C (2,300°F) and were used on the hotter parts of the Shuttle.

  - **LRSI (Low-Temperature Reusable Surface Insulation)**: These white tiles were used on areas that experienced lower temperatures, up to 650°C (1,200°F).

3. **Flexible Insulation Blankets**: In less intense heat areas, flexible, fabric-based insulation blankets were used. These were lightweight and designed for lower-temperature zones.

These materials allowed the Space Shuttle to safely dissipate the intense heat generated during re-entry.

Cost and manufacture 

The thermal protection tiles used on the Space Shuttle, particularly the silica-based tiles, were incredibly expensive due to their specialized design and manufacturing process.

### **Cost of the Tiles**

- Each tile was estimated to cost between **$1,000 and $2,000** in the early days of the Shuttle program. This was because each tile was custom-made to fit a specific spot on the shuttle’s surface, requiring extensive precision engineering.

- Over the entire Shuttle program, with approximately **24,000 individual tiles** per orbiter, the cost of manufacturing and maintaining these tiles was a significant part of the program’s overall budget.

### **Manufacturers**

The primary manufacturer of the Space Shuttle tiles was **Lockheed Missiles and Space Company**, which later became part of **Lockheed Martin**. They were responsible for the design and production of most of the thermal protection system (TPS) materials.

Some other companies involved in producing the tiles and materials for the Shuttle’s heat shield over the years included **Boeing** and other aerospace subcontractors that specialized in high-performance insulation and thermal materials.


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