List of KPIs for Supply Chain Management in Airline Industry

Here are some key performance indicators (KPIs) for supply chain management in the airline industry:

1. **On-Time Performance (OTP)**: Percentage of flights that depart and arrive on time.

2. **Cargo Load Factor**: The ratio of cargo carried to the total cargo capacity available.

3. **Aircraft Utilization**: Hours of aircraft operation relative to total available hours.

4. **Turnaround Time**: Time taken to prepare an aircraft for its next flight, including refueling, cleaning, and boarding.

5. **Inventory Turnover Ratio**: The rate at which spare parts and maintenance supplies are used and replaced.

6. **Fuel Efficiency**: Fuel consumption per passenger mile or per ton-mile of cargo.

7. **Maintenance Cost per Aircraft**: Total maintenance costs divided by the number of aircraft.

8. **Supplier Lead Time**: Average time taken for suppliers to deliver parts and supplies.

9. **Customer Satisfaction**: Passenger feedback on the efficiency and reliability of services.

10. **Freight Handling Efficiency**: Time and accuracy of handling cargo from booking to delivery.

These KPIs help in monitoring and optimizing various aspects of supply chain operations in the airline industry.

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