Robots - Evolving from One sensor to two sensors in Line Following robot


Line Following with Mindstorms EV3: One Sensor vs. Two Sensors

There are pros and cons to using one or two sensors for your Mindstorms EV3 line following robot. Here's a breakdown to help you decide:

One Sensor:


  • Simpler Build: Requires only one sensor, which saves parts and reduces complexity.
  • Easier Programming: Coding for a single sensor is generally more straightforward, especially for beginners.


  • Zig-Zag Movement: The robot tends to follow the line in a zig-zag pattern, constantly adjusting to stay centered.
  • Less Stable: Prone to losing the line on curves or uneven surfaces due to overcorrection.
  • Calibration Needed: Requires some calibration to find the ideal light value threshold for the line.

Two Sensors:


  • Smoother Line Following: The robot can achieve a smoother path by comparing the readings from two sensors.
  • More Robust: Handles curves and uneven surfaces better due to the combined sensor data.
  • Less Calibration: May require less calibration compared to a single sensor approach.


  • More Complex Build: Needs two sensors, increasing parts and potentially build complexity.
  • More Programming Complexity: Coding for two sensors can be more involved, especially for advanced techniques like PID control.

Here's a quick recommendation:

  • Start with One Sensor: If you're new to line following, it's a great way to learn the basics of programming and sensor use. Tutorials for one-sensor robots are readily available online [WEB MINDSTORMS line following with 1 color sensor].
  • Move to Two Sensors Later: Once comfortable, consider using two sensors for improved performance and explore more advanced line following techniques. Resources for two-sensor robots exist as well [WEB 2 Sensor PID Line Follower].

Remember: The best approach depends on your project goals and skill level. You can always experiment with both configurations to see which works best for your specific line and robot design.