How to learn the proper way

To thrive in today’s world of disruption and rapid change, your ability to learn fast will be your hidden advantage.

Our learning abilities define our capacity of perform which in turn define our worth.

We currently learn by in the following path

1. Learn (Input)

Pay attention without distractions. Isolate your mind to what you are learning at the moment.
Do not multi task.

2. Reflect

Draw or document what you have learned and how you can use it in the real world.

3. Implement (Output)

Try practicing what you have learned to provide your self proof of concept.

4. Share

Teach or contribute with others to help recognize and build accreditation.

We should remember to practice what ever we have learned by creating an output or implementing it. Sharing with other people can also help develop the skill. We need to spend twice as much time spent to learn it.