Time booking between team members

Here are some free tools for scheduling meetings and finding a common time that works for everyone:

1. Doodle - One of the most popular tools, Doodle allows users to create polls with time slots for participants to vote on. Free plans cover basic scheduling needs, and it’s easy to use for both small and large groups.

2. When2Meet - A simple and quick tool to set up an availability grid where participants mark their available times, making it easy to spot overlapping availability.

3. Google Calendar - If everyone has Google accounts, you can use Google Calendar’s “Find a Time” feature to suggest times when everyone is free. It works best for smaller groups and within organizations that already use Google Workspace.

4. Microsoft FindTime - If you’re in a Microsoft 365 environment, FindTime is an Outlook add-in that helps find suitable meeting times for all participants by sending a poll directly through Outlook emails.

5. Calendly (Basic Plan) - Calendly offers a free version where you can set available times and let others book an appointment that works for them. It’s useful for one-on-one meetings but can be adapted for group scheduling as well.

6. SurveyMonkey’s Meeting Scheduler - Known for creating surveys, SurveyMonkey also has a scheduler tool that allows participants to choose their available times, similar to Doodle.

7. Rallly - A free and open-source scheduling tool where participants can vote on times for meetings. It’s a straightforward option without the need to sign up for an account.

Each of these tools has unique features, so you can choose one based on your group’s specific needs and platform familiarity.

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