HR employee KPI

The Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a metric used to measure how likely employees are to recommend their workplace as a great place to work. It helps organizations gauge employee satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement.

How eNPS Works:

1. The Question: Employees are typically asked a single question:

“On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend this company as a great place to work?”

2. Group Classification:

• Promoters (9-10): Highly engaged employees who are enthusiastic about their work and company.

• Passives (7-8): Satisfied but not particularly enthusiastic employees.

• Detractors (0-6): Unhappy employees who may negatively influence workplace culture.

3. Formula:

The score ranges from -100 to +100.


• 50% of employees are Promoters, 30% are Passives, and 20% are Detractors.

Key Points:

• Positive eNPS (>0): Indicates more promoters than detractors, showing a healthier workplace.

• Negative eNPS (<0): Indicates more detractors, signaling issues with engagement or satisfaction.


• Provides quick insights into employee morale.

• Identifies areas for improvement in workplace culture.

• Tracks changes in engagement over time.

eNPS surveys are simple and effective, but they should be supplemented with deeper insights from additional questions or feedback to address specific concerns.

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