Install Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack on CentOS / Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora / LinuxMint

VirtualBox Extension Pack is a set of open-source components that extends the functionality of the VirtualBox base package. Oracle provides the one extension pack, and it provides the following added functionality.

The virtual USB 3.0 / 2.0 device
VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol (VDRP)
Disk image encryption with AES algorithm
Host webcam pass through.
Intel PXE boot ROM.
Experimental support or PCI passthrough on Linux hosts.
This Mini how-to helps you to install Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack on CentOS / Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora / LinuxMint operating systems.

You would need to install the same version extension pack, as your installed version of VirtualBox.

Download the Oracle VM VirtualBox extension pack using the wget command.

### VirtualBox 6.0 ###

cd /tmp


### VirtualBox 5.2 ###

cd /tmp


Command Line Mode
Let’s see the installed Extension pack. You won’t find any packages because Extension does not come bundled with VirtualBox.

### CentOS / RHEL / Fedora ###

VBoxManage list extpacks

### Ubuntu / Debian ###

sudo VBoxManage list extpacks

Install Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack using the following command.

### CentOS / RHEL / Fedora ###

cd /tmp

VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-*.vbox-extpack

### Ubuntu / Debian ###

cd /tmp

sudo VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-*.vbox-extpack

Let’s list the installed extension packs.

### CentOS / RHEL / Fedora ###

VBoxManage list extpacks

### Ubuntu / Debian ###

sudo VBoxManage list extpacks