Introduction to REDCap
Use Cases for REDCap
Surveying the public
Standard surveyLongitudinal
Randomized modules
Email invitations
Online quizzes
Quizzes with automated marking
Event sign-up / registration
Can be set up so that sessions are closed when a maximum number of people register
Clinical data collection and management
EMS data collection
Public reporting system
School absenteeism reporting
Opioid overdosing
Redcap Features
Everyone gets their own account
As the “owner” of a project, you decide what collaborators you have and what level of access they have to your project
Our data stay in our building
No yearly quota of responses
Much lower cost to the agency
Direct integration with our dashboard / online reporting systems
Better auditing ability, better data security
Ability to use phone/tablet app for offline data collection
API—allows dashboards, related systems to automatically pull in data from REDCap as it is
Ability to interface with many EHR systems (maybe Excelicare)
Enhanced data download and reporting options
Has some disadvantages compared to Qualtrics:
Agency-side interface is a bit clumsy (but so is Qualtrics)
Some question types don’t exist (e.g., drill down, hot spot, sum)
Some question types (e.g., ranking) don’t work as well in RC
Other (please specify) questions are a bit clumsy
No ability for a progress bar
Error messages are not modifiable and can be clumsy