Tableau Server Extract all workbooks attributes

Convert Tableau Server Client Workbooks List to Pandas DataFrame

When you use the Tableau Server Client (TSC) to get all workbooks from the server:

all_workbooks = list(TSC.Pager(server.workbooks))

You get a list of workbook objects. Each object has attributes like id, name, project_name, owner_id, etc.

Convert all_workbooks List to Pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

import tableauserverclient as TSC

# Assuming you already have `all_workbooks` as a list

all_workbooks = list(TSC.Pager(server.workbooks))

# Extracting relevant attributes into a list of dictionaries

workbooks_data = [




    'project_name': wb.project_name,

    'owner_id': wb.owner_id,

    'created_at': wb.created_at,

    'updated_at': wb.updated_at,

    'size': wb.size,

    'show_tabs': wb.show_tabs,

    'webpage_url': wb.webpage_url,


  for wb in all_workbooks


# Convert to DataFrame

df = pd.DataFrame(workbooks_data)



• List comprehension: Extracts key attributes from each WorkbookItem object.

• Attributes commonly used:



• wb.project_name

• wb.owner_id

• wb.created_at

• wb.updated_at

• wb.size

• wb.show_tabs

• wb.webpage_url

You can customize this list based on the attributes you need from the WorkbookItem object.

Sample Output:

         id      name   project_name    owner_id      created_at ... size show_tabs           webpage_url

0 abcd1234efgh5678   Sales Report Finance Project user123456789 2023-10-01 08:00:00 ... 2500   True https://tableau.server/view/...

1 wxyz9876lmno5432 Marketing Data Marketing Group user987654321 2023-11-05 10:30:00 ... 3100   False https://tableau.server/view/...

Key Notes:

• Make sure you import pandas and tableauserverclient.

• This approach is efficient and works well with TSC.Pager() results.

• You can easily export the DataFrame to CSV or Excel:

df.to_csv('tableau_workbooks.csv', index=False)

Would you like help with pagination handling, filtering specific workbooks, or exporting the DataFrame?

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