SharePoint 2013 - Integrating Title and Link

In a SharePoint List or Library by default, there is a column from which you can edit or view the properties of an item, e.g. column Title in the picture. This column is called Link-to-Item column.
Sometimes you need to have a different column to be a Link-to-Item. Let’s say the Store IDin the Picture.
The processes is very simple but you need to have SharePoint Designer installed. SharePoint Designer is free to download from Microsoft website and is easy to install. Once you have it installed then follow the procedure below.
  • Fire up SharePoint Designer and connect to your site by clicking on Open Site and typing in the URL of your site. Will take a while to connect.
  • Now from the Navigation Pane on the left select Lists and Libraries and then select the list or library that you want to work with
  • On the summary page you should see a section called Views. In it you should see All Items. Right click on it and select Edit File in Advanced Mode
  • Search for the tag . Once you find it you should see a few tags underneath it.
SharePoint Code
  • Find the one that has the name of the column you are looking for. In our case I am looking for Store ID. You should now add LinkToItem=”TRUE” after Name attribute so the final product should look something like this;
SharePoint Code
  • Save your view and now you can either preview it or test it in your browser. You should now have something like this where Store ID is now a link.
  • If you also want the menu drop down to appear on the Store ID you should also add this attribute ListItemMenu="TRUE"
SharePoint Code
Remember if it didn’t work for you straight away give it a few minutes time.
Some people have reported that changing “LinkToItem” to “linkToItem” does the trick for them. Also I’ve seen that when you add both attributes ListItemMenu="TRUE" LinkToItem=”TRUE” it starts working then you can remove the ListItemMenu="TRUE".
Hope this has helped.


This script will make every list’s header sticky. This means that it will stick to the bottom of SharePoint’s ribbon when it would otherwise disappear behind it. Keeping the header visible at all times can greatly enhance the usability, especially of large lists.
The script supports the normal list view, fixed height lists, list in quick edit mode, grouped lists, and all kinds of system lists like the list on the permissions page or site features page.
The sticky headers keep their full functionality so you can use them so sort, filter, etc.

iTextSharp version 5

Why iText?

Updated 2012-02-08 - Added a bullet regarding using iTextSharp with a medium trust shared web hosting provider in the notes section.
How many times have you been asked to generate a report in an open file format such as PDF? iTextSharp, a free C# PDF library ported from the Java-PDF Library iText, gives you a nice option.

Important / Breaking Changes

Getting Started

In general creating a PDF with iText[Sharp] is a five-step process:
  1. Instantiate a Document object.
  2. Get an instance of the PdfWriter object.
  3. Open the Document instance.
  4. Add content to the Document instance.
  5. Close the document. As explained above you can omit step 5 from iTextSharp 5.0.6.
The following example shows how to:
  1. Create a centered, single-page document header. If you need to add page headers to all pages of your document see Adding PDF Page Headers, which shows the recommended method to add page headers using the PdfPageEventHelper class.
  2. Add a center-aligned image to the document.
  3. Add a center-aligned paragraph to the document.
  4. Add tabular formatted data to the document.

iTextSharp Versions 5 and Above

Creating our PDF going from step 1 through 4. Uncomment where specified (Document using statement) if using anything less than 5.0.6:
 * step 1
 * __ONLY__ if using version >= 5.0.6
 * see commented section directly below
    using (Document doc = new Document()) {
 * uncomment this line __AND__ comment out line above if you're
 * using version < 5.0.6
 * Document doc = new Document();
// step 2
    PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, Response.OutputStream);

// step 3

// step 4
 * create document header; shows GMT time when PDF created.
 * HeaderFooter class removed in iText 5.0.0, so we instead write 
 * content to an **absolute** position on the document
    Rectangle page = doc.PageSize;
    PdfPTable head = new PdfPTable(1);
    head.TotalWidth = page.Width;
    Phrase phrase = new Phrase(
      DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " GMT",
      new Font(Font.FontFamily.COURIER, 8)
    PdfPCell c = new PdfPCell(phrase);
    c.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
    c.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP;
    c.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
      // first/last row; -1 writes all rows
      0, -1,
      // left offset
      // ** bottom** yPos of the table
      page.Height - doc.TopMargin + head.TotalHeight + 20,

 * add image to document
    Image gif = Image.GetInstance(
    gif.Alignment = Image.MIDDLE_ALIGN;
// downsize the image by specified percentage        

 * add tabular data
// table heading
    Paragraph p = new Paragraph("US Presidents Born in " + _state);
    p.Alignment = 1;
// table data, see code snippet following this one
    doc.Add( _stateTable() );

 * step 5 is __REQUIRED__ if using version < 5.0.6; uncomment Close()
 * below and comment out the bracket below!
 * doc.Close();
Creating a simple table is easy; query the database (data access code omitted) and add each rowset to the table in the PDF:
// add a table to the PDF document
private PdfPTable _stateTable() {
  string[] col = { "No.", "Name", "City" };
  PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3);
* default table width => 80%
  table.WidthPercentage = 100;
// then set the column's __relative__ widths
  table.SetWidths(new Single[] {1, 5, 4});
* by default tables 'collapse' on surrounding elements,
* so you need to explicitly add spacing
  table.SpacingBefore = 10;

  for (int i = 0; i < col.Length; ++i) {
    PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(col[i]));
    cell.BackgroundColor = new BaseColor(204, 204, 204);

// !! database code omitted !!
// r.Read is the DbDataReader for whatever flavor 
// of database you're connecting to; we're iterating
// over the results returned from the database and 
// adding rows to the table in the PDF 
      while (r.Read()) {
  return table;

Example for iTextSharp Versions Less Than 5.XX

Here's a stand-alone working HTTP handler that works with 4.1.6.
<%@ WebHandler Language='C#' Class='itext' %>
 * example ONLY WORKS for iTextSharp < 5.0.0;
 * as of 2011-03-28 source code for older versions __NOT__ available
using System;
using System.Web;
using iTextSharp.text;
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;

public class itext : IHttpHandler {
// ===========================================================================  
  public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
    HttpResponse Response = context.Response;
    Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
      "attachment; filename=itext.pdf"
// step 1    
    Document doc = new Document();
// step 2    
    PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, Response.OutputStream);
 * create document header; shows GMT time when PDF created.
 * set header [1] text [2] font style
    Phrase phrase = new Phrase(
      DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + " GMT",
      new Font(Font.COURIER, 8)
    HeaderFooter header = new HeaderFooter (phrase, false);
// top & bottom borders on by default 
    header.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
// center header
    header.Alignment = 1;
 * HeaderFooter => add header __before__ opening document
    doc.Header = header;  
// step 3
// step 4
 * add image to document
    Image gif = Image.GetInstance(
    gif.Alignment = Image.MIDDLE_ALIGN;
// downsize the image by specified percentage    

 * add tabular data
// table heading
    Paragraph p = new Paragraph("Table Heading");
    p.Alignment = 1;
// table 'data'   
    Table table = new Table(3);
    table.BorderWidth = 1;
    table.BorderColor = new Color(0, 0, 255);
    table.Padding = 4;
    table.Width = 100;

    // set *column* widths
    float[] widths = {.3f, .5f, .4f};
    table.Widths = widths;

    string[] col = {"COL 1", "COL 2", "COL 3"};
    for (int i = 0; i < col.Length; ++i) {
      Cell cell = new Cell(col[i]);
      cell.Header = true;
      cell.BackgroundColor = new Color(204, 204, 204);
    for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < col.Length; ++j) {
          "Row {0}, Cell {1}",
          i, j + 1
// step 5

  public bool IsReusable {
    get { return false; }
// ===========================================================================


Don't forget to set the correct Content-Type before you send the PDF stream if you're running a web application:

Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
// [optional]
  "attachment; filename=itext.pdf"