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Conference Management Services

With more and more being done by fewer and fewer people, we are all learning the advantages of using professional specialists to do what they do best. The support personnel whom you might nomally task with the responsibility to plan and execute a major meeting event will quickly come to appreciate the freedom they now have to do the rest of the work on which you already depend. You will all welcome the new freedom to be the gracious and businesslike hosts on which the success of your meeting depends.

Here's why we think that you and your people will come to like the way we work
We have been involved in conference management.
We are fully trained and experienced conference planners

We negotiate, arrange and supervise all your meeting needs
We contract with only the best suppliers who will give you the highest quality service
We provide and manage the services you need, without the worry
We do the work so you can do the meeting

You and your staff are free to continue with your regular jobs

You get smooth, successful, and affordable meetings
You look good because your meeting has that professional touch
You are free to attend and fully participate in your meeting
You get a meeting that achieves its goals
revenue generating
You get a better meeting at a better price by taking advantage of our negotiating skills, vendor and venue relationships, and quantity buying power